This place is absolutely AWEsome! It can be none other than the house of God and the gateway to Heaven!  Genesis 28:17 Voice

Nothing inspires me more than seeing hope rays. There is a story connected to my obsession with looking up on cloudy days to see the rays of light spilling through the clouds. This is one of my favorite photos because the rays were shooting up.
As you are writing in your journal, share the stories behind what creates a sense of awe in your life.

Journal Prompts

I am thankful that I feel (felt) a sense of awe when I see/feel (saw/felt) …

The most awe-inspiring moment of my life was when …

What’s the story behind this sense of wonder?

Never lose you sense of awe and wonder!
Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. 


A free offer with 31 adjectives describing character qualities to honor

31 Adjectives to Show Honor to Someone Special

When you can't find the right words, this FREE Honor List provides 31 adjectives along with descriptions and scriptural references to expand the possibilities and show honor to someone special. I'll also send free hope inspiration straight to your mailbox!

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