Listen, the eye of the Eternal is upon those who live in awe of Him, those who HOPE in His steadfast love. Psalm 33:18 Voice

Hope wins because as long as you stand in awe of who God is and what He is doing in your life, you remain steadfast no matter what happens.


Biblical scholars are not sure whether or not David wrote this Psalm, although it certainly follows his themes of worshiping the majesty of God and giving Him the credit for military victories. In it, the psalmist starts out with an admonition to praise God for who He is and for the wonders of creation. We are to pull out the stops and worship with instruments and excellence in our praise. In verse 3 we are called on to sing a new song of praise.

New Songs

I remember a special season when I was flooded with melodies and words of new songs every day. I had begun to lead the worship at the church where we were serving as pastors. I remember admonishing the congregation “to sing a new song.” Right in the middle of that season, my father-in-love died and our second daughter was born.The songs continued to come and it was an exciting time of creativity and great joy. My little mother-in-love had a very difficult time as a widow. We decided that the best way we could help her was to move in with her. It all sounded so good in theory. The reality was another matter.

Losing Hope

Fast forward a few months and I was not doing well at all. Have you ever wanted a do-over? I wish I could go back and respond properly as a caregiver. My mother-in-love found herself stuck in the angry stage of grieving for a long time. I responded to her anger with even more anger. I lost hope as a result, and the flow of new songs stopped. I entered a silent season until I learned the value of praise in the midst of difficult circumstances. Just like this Psalm declares, you can win victories over the enemy in the middle of difficult when you praise God with every bit of skill you possess.

Trusting God’s Faithfulness

I don’t know what you are going through right now. Maybe you have also lost hope because of the difficult people in your life. You may feel stuck in a no-win situation.  My advice to you is to praise in the midst of it all and remember that all your human effort will not bring you victory. The victory lies in waiting for God to fulfill His promises in the dark times. Herein is true hope – is a confident expectation of trusting in God rather than in the ‘horses’ or the devices of your own efforts. In this verse, we rest in the promise that we are the Lord’s object of hope as He never loses sight of us even in those times when it feels like He may have forgotten our address. The promise of the Lord is that we are the object of his steadfast and loyal love. His love does not depend on our reactions or behavior. Instead, it is focused on the Lord’s faithful response to our worship and His covenant with us.
I have shared an example of learning in dark times. In my memory, it stands as yet another powerful example of the steadfast and loyal love of God in my life. I made it through this tough season stronger than ever. I am also happy to report that as I regained hope – the confident expectation of God’s good plan for my life – the songs returned.

Hope wins!


Lord, I thank You for the dark seasons where we can learn who is the true source of our strength. I choose to praise you with all that is within me because of Who You are! Thank you for your loyal and steadfast love for me even when I do not respond the right way. Thank You for the always being mindful of me. Thank You for your gracious and loyal love toward me. Thank You that there is no change in Your love and care for me. I gain hope from embracing that truth and know that You are working every angle for my good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. 


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