When you can't find the right words, this FREE Honor List provides 31 adjectives along with descriptions and scriptural references to expand the possibilities and show honor to someone special. I'll also send free hope inspiration straight to your mailbox!
Yes! Chose God in all circumstances! Thank you for the encouragement!
Thanks for stopping by. I will be sure to return the favor!!!!
Encouraging post. I like the idea of asking loved ones how they got through their tough times. I want to do this with the elderly in my church. Lots of wisdom and tenacity there.
One of my greatest fears was when my then husband (of 20 years) said he wanted a divorce. I made it through by living one day at a time and by soaking in words from the Bible.
I love you testimony. Great way to make it through that pain. You are my surthriving hero! Thanks for stopping by so consistently. You encourage me every day!
Fea can be so paralyzing. Yet I think it’s no coincidence that the words “do not be afraid” appear 365 times in Scripture…one for every day! Psalm 30:5 is one of my fave verses!
What a powerful testimony! I’m so sorry you have walked through such loss. I know watching my sister go through losing her husband last year and seeing the grace God gave her –and gives her, still!– was amazing and so impactful! How she found strength and grace and words to get through each day with her two little boys and grieve openly together as a family while not once blaming God or getting angry has been a testimony to many! Fear is a punk… but he doesn’t get to boss us around! Great post and reminder that He can be trusted!
I love to hear testimonies like the one your sister was able to live. It is a grace none of us ever want to manifest, yet it is amazing to see it in action. I will pray for her and the boys. Thanks for stopping by. We are almost there with our 31 days challenge. It has been fun!