Choose whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors bowed to in the land beyond the great River, or the gods of the Amorites whose country you possess. But as for me and my family, we will serve the Eternal. Joshua 24:15 Voice
I carefully carried the old suitcase down the creaky ladder from the attic. I dusted it off and marveled at the makeshift handle made out of electrical wiring. Inside was a treasure trove of clippings and old photos. I had seen it up there before and even opened it once but had never brought it down from the attic. I tried to be as quiet as possible as I positioned myself in the recliner next to Mom’s hospital bed. She was in hospice and we were in her living room. Dad was happy to give up his spot in this very chair so I could have some time with her.
As she looked up, she seemed startled to see me. “Oh sweetie, you are here. Did I tell you today how much I love you?” she said sweetly.
“Yes, Mom, you did. And please say it as many times as you want,” I replied with tears in my eyes.
“What do you have there?” she asked.
“I found an old suitcase up in the attic filled with old pictures and clippings. Do you feel up to telling me about them?”
“I’ll try. Your Dad and I have lived a great life, haven’t we?” she replied.
“Yes, you have. I am so proud of you both. Tell me about when you received the Lord as your Savior, Mom?” I asked.
“I always had a heart for God. I was 16 when I graduated from high school in Wisconsin. Earlier that year I had started playing the piano in the Baptist Church. Then we moved to California because my brother, Larry, felt we would have a better chance of prospering. When we got here to Woodland, Mom and I started going to the Foursquare Church. And that is where I truly met the Lord.”
She started singing – “I have decided to follow Jesus.” We sang the chorus together.
“I think I better rest now…” she trailed off as she went back to sleep.
I continued to hum the chorus that says:
I have decided to follow Jesus (repeat)
No turning back.
The world behind me, the cross before me (repeat)
No turning back.
Though none go with me, still I will follow (repeat)
No turning back.
When Mom woke back up we continued to conversation of how she and my Grandma decided to serve the Lord. Mom was the only one working at the time. Still, when she felt called to the ministry she moved to Los Angeles to go to L.I.F.E. Bible College. My Grandma supported her in the call to ministry knowing the Lord would provide. My Grandfather was in a bus accident on his return to Wisconsin and died from complications from injuries sustained in that accident.
“I had never prayed so much in my life up until that point. I prayed all the way there that my Dad would still be alive so I could lead him to the Lord. I did pray with him shortly before he died. He had been such a hard man and mean to your Grandma and me because of our stand for the Lord,” she told me.
“No turning back…” she said gently just before drifting back to sleep.
Honor Keys
Make sure you make the time to sit down with your parents and grandparents to identify who is in the pictures and discover the stories hidden there. Record their words or take videos of their stories.
Active Definition
Decisiveness is the ability to make sound decisions quickly and to stick with that decision. When the decisions are difficult ones, moving forward is based on God’s ways, word and will.
Decisiveness is the ability to make sound decisions quickly and to stick with that decision. When the decisions are difficult ones, moving forward is based on God's ways, word and will.Click To TweetWording
I so appreciate the decisiveness and stand you have taken your whole life to do God’s will in your life. I value the way that you decided to _______. You leave us a legacy of good choices and confidence that even when it might not look like the best way to go, God will always come through with miraculous provision. I acknowledge your faith and confidence in the Lord. I appreciate your choices and want to be just like you when I grow up.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
This is day five of a 31 day writing challenge. For more inspiration on honoring those you love, click here.
Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love, check out her Facebook page – The Power of Hope. Karen’s third book on hope – The Power of Hope for Caregivers: Honor the Ride will be released on 11.20.18.

How awesome that you took the time to ask questions while your mom was still living. I never did that with either of my parents or grand parents. I regret that.
I love this series on how to honour your loved ones. I will check out posts I’ve missed.
I shred this on social media.
Thank you for stopping by. The times are priceless. I do realize though that my grandkids are not asking me these questions. They are quite a bit younger at this point but wonder how we can remedy that. Thanks so much for the share. I will do the same with yours once I get on my way. I am rushing to go to the airport to go to California to care for my Dad. Now I am taking videos of all his stories.
Can’t wait to read your posts.