Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures will develop in us patient endurance. And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope because we anticipate God’s goodness. Romans 5:3-4 The Passion Translation
I was sitting at the computer in my office when I heard a familiar melody – “This is the air I breathe.”
I ran into the den where I saw Bill (my late husband) with his arms raised and his eyes toward Heaven. I grabbed his hand and sang it with him. This is a poignant memory because I could not hear the sound of his voice. Still, I knew that he was worshiping fully.
Bill’s last few years were tough. His diaphragm stopped working due to FSHD (an adult-set form of muscular dystropy). He was on a full-time ventilator that did all the breathing for him. He communicated with us via sign language and writing on a white board.
That particular day he wrote, “You truly realize how precious air is when you depend on Him for every breath.”
I honor Bill’s perseverance to press in to the Lord despite his physical challenge. A close friend of mine came to the house to meet Bill for the first time. She knew him through me up until that point.
“I came ready to encourage Bill and was the one who left encouraged and uplifted,” she wrote in her follow-up email. How does that happen?
Grace – grace and more grace. Not ahead of time for sure! Still, it is always in abundant supply at the moment of greatest need.
We lived day to day and were grateful. Looking back on all that season, I’m not sure how we did it all. Still, we did and were grateful. Every day was precious. We laughed a lot and celebrated every breath.
If you are in a caregiving season, I pray you can do the same.
Honor Keys
Be on the alert for this characteristic. You may not see it until later as it may seem more like stubbornness.
Active Definition
Endurance is maintaining commitment to what is right during times of pressure. It is staying power while enduring hardship. This strength comes from living hope which is confidence that God is not only present in the middle of the mess but also working in unseen ways to develop us and shape us into His image.
Synonyms: stamina, strength, tenacity, pluck, resolution, fortitude, patience, holding up, intestinal fortitude, withstanding trials
Creative Wording
I want to honor your commitment to trust the Lord in the midst of difficult times. I don’t know how you do it with so much grace and love, yet we all feel it. You need to know that others are watching and we can see Jesus shining through you. As we continue to take our life one day at a time, please know that it is an honor to walk beside you and do small things to help out. You are my hero of grace. I hare your joyful confidence that God is working His perfect plan in our lives. If I had known ahead of time how hard this would all be, I would do it again in a second.
This is day nine of a 31 day writing challenge. For more inspiration on honoring those you love, click here.
Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love, check out her Facebook page – The Power of Hope. Karen’s third book on hope – The Power of Hope for Caregivers: Honor the Ride will be released on 11.20.18.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Have an awesome day!
Tears. Joyful and still slightly sad all at once. So glad to know that someone else out there gets it. Truly understands and sees the beauty, strength, faith and hope in the season of caring for a dying loved one. Karen, I’m sorry that we’ve both walked this path but grateful to God in Heaven for all He has given us through it.
I guess my candor worked because I cried as I wrote this one and remembered the bittersweetness (is that even a word?) of this experience. I still cry every time I sing that song – This is the air I breathe. So sad you went through similar yet sharing it with you brings dignity and further refinement to these experiences. I am reminded that nothing is wasted in God’s economy. Can’t wait to meet you in person. You are such a dear!
I am blessed to know many caretakers and nurses and I am consistently impressed with how well they love and serve!
It is an amazing gift to those who are suffering and in need. Thanks for stopping by.
Wow! I’m singing that song along with you while reading this post. Caretakers are so important too.
Thanks for stopping by. Indeed, they are. Looking forward to reading more of your writing and praying for you as you “ride the waves” of grief.