Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Psalm 34:8 ESV

As a caregiver, it can be hard to eat right. In fact, you may not even remember to eat or when you do you may stuff yourself with ‘comfort food.’ I know I sure did.
My first husband, Bill, was always on a diet. Because he did not want to gain weight, he would go all day without eating and then was famished at night. He was impossible to cook for, not because he was picky but because he would rather snack than eat. Usually when we were ready to sit down at the dinner table he would not join us because he had been snacking.
A month before he stopped being able to swallow, our son and I decided to go on The Maker’s Diet. I begged Bill to join us but he was unwilling to do so. It was the first time that I had ever been on a special diet. The first week was hard as I eliminated sugar and caffeine. I literally felt sick. Then, something happened to my taste buds as my body became used to eating healthy food. Everything started tasting incredibly good. I added a few strawberries to a spinach salad and every bite was amazing.
Unfortunately, it became necessary for Bill to be fed through a feeding tube and he lost the joy of tasting food and swallowing yumminess because the intricacy of a swallow mechanism would no longer coordinate.  Even so, we talked about what he imagined he was eating. It was so difficult to see him struggling and knowing that we would never sit down and eat another meal together. Gradually, however, he began to look healthier and his appetite changed. His nutritional needs were being met through this terrible smelling liquid that we inserted into a tube that went straight into his stomach. And, he was thin for the first time since I met him. Not something to be desired — especially in this manner.
I will never know whether or not the healthier diet would have made a difference in his health. I do know this. I must eat to live rather than live to eat. As a caregiver, one of the most important things you can do is take care of your health. When your taste changes you can enjoy the way you are going to eat the rest of your life.

Active Self Nurture

Develop a taste for good food

Most of us crave a hot fudge sunday rather than a salad. See, I bet the picture you saw was of hot chocolate sauce melting into the creaminess of the vanilla ice cream. But what if we started feeling the same way toward the salad? What is your favorite salad? Fill the refrigerator with wholesome yummy food and take the extra time to prepare it. Remove all the unhealthy stuff for a while so that you are not tempted. Eating well takes forethought so that you have the right snacks and balanced meals.
Hope Tip: Look for recipes for the vegetables that are in season. Go to the Farmer’s Market to get a good deal on the organic version.

Adjust your appetite

At the beginning of each week, set aside a few hours over the weekend to prepare healthy snacks. Put them in the snack resealable plastic bags so you can pack them with your lunch. Once you start eating the right foods you will no longer crave the unhealthy ones. It’s okay to treat yourself sometimes with dark chocolate. Fruit is always filling and a tasty treat. I have recently developed a taste for Kombucha because it gives me probiotics with few calories.
Hope Tip: Talk about the healthy food you enjoy most rather than what you can’t have.

Reward yourself with non-food items

What’s your favorite book? What are rituals that you have in the evening (besides eating)?Light your favorite candle and put on music that lifts your spirit. I especially enjoy worship music and scented candles. Buy yourself a new journal and write in it every evening. Make your day about your life and not the food that you eat. No wonder Jesus said in Matthew 6:31-34 (Voice): “So do not consume yourselves with questions: What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear? Outsiders make themselves frantic over such questions; they don’t realize that your heavenly Father knows exactly what you need. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and then all these things will be given to you too. So do not worry about tomorrow. Let tomorrow worry about itself. Living faithfully is a large enough task for today.”
Hope Tip: Let your loved ones know about your favorites – candles, books, music, perfume, etc. Don’t save any of it for special occasions. Use it every day.


Thank You Lord that you are always good. Even in the midst of the weight of caregiving I declare that You are good and You provide just what I need when I need it. I partner with You now to not be consumed with what I will eat, drink or wear. I don’t want to be consumed with what I eat. I want to seek You first and all that is right. Thank You for giving me everything that I need just when I need it. I give you my worry about tomorrow and thank You for the grace to be faithful in serving __________________ today.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
For the rest of the alphabet in the ABCs of Self Nurture for Caregivers please click here.
Karen Sebastian-Wirth has, over the years, lovingly cared for her mother-in-love, mother, father and husband. She certainly has learned the lessons of hope in what can become a treacherous ride over some rough waters. You will enjoy her candid approach to self nurture and the practical ways to take care of yourself. Her new book The Power of Hope for Caregivers: Honor the Ride will be released in September, 2018.
Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love check out her Facebook page – The Power of Hope.
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