Make God the utmost delight and pleasure of your life,
and he will provide for you what you desire the most.
Give God the right to direct your life,
and as you trust him along the way
you’ll find he pulled it off perfectly!
He will appear as your righteousness,
as sure as the dawning of a new day.
He will manifest as your justice,
as sure and strong as the noonday sun. Psalm 34:4-6 TPT
This blog is part of the Five Minute Friday community and part of the writing challenge on showing love and honor. These two combined nicely. (Love when that happens) Please join us as we write for 5 minutes on a word provided. Don’t overthink it. Simply take it and run.
How many simple activities bring delight to a little one in your life? It may seem like a interruption to your busy schedule but they are creating a memory archive. It takes so little to cement a positive memory like the one I will share below.
Homemade Ice Cream
One of my strongest memories is eating homemade ice cream. We lived in Managua, Nicaragua where it was always hot and we had no air conditioning in our home or church. Dad would go get a block of ice and chip it with an ice pick. All the while, my Mom was mixing up the yummy ice cream in the kitchen. She would pour it into the metal cylinder. We would put the paddles and pack it with ice and start to turn. I was pretty small so I could turn it when it was easy, put salt on the ice and sit on the blanket at the end while my Dad finished turning it. To this day, nothing tastes quite the same.
I did buy an electric ice cream maker and the grandkids help me assemble a variety of flavors during the hot summer months. We also make our own popsicle flavors from juice.
I was thinking about bubbles the other day and how I kept a constant stock of bottles with a variety of wands and shapes so that we could always go outside and blow bubbles when I babysat my youngest grandsons on a more consistent basis. Classic fun – simple pleasure.
There are so many variations on any given theme that you can just go on and on.
The key to creating strong memory folders is to always find a way to do a little MORE. Make it more memorable by asking them what they would like to do.Click To TweetI looked up bubbles on YouTube and found a ton of fun experiments you can do at home with bubbles. Spend more time having more fun and creating powerful memories of delight and pleasure.
Active Expressions of Love and Honor:
- Look through old pictures to see what caused greatest smiles and laughs
- Ask about strongest memories
- Stock up on supplies of bubbles, markers and paper items
- Document times together and enjoy them over and over
- Keep a notebook of their ideas for having fun and implement them
- Be on the lookout for surprising supplies at garage sales or the dollar store
- Replicate the best experiences and do a little MORE!
Thank You, Lord, for the rediscovery of simple delights and pleasures. Open my heart to put all comparison to rest and simply enjoy being with those I love the most. I ask that they feel my full attention and presence because I delight in them. I am so grateful that with You, less is more. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
Please join a vibrant community who blogs for five minutes on one word every Friday by clicking here.
This blog is also part of the #write28days challenge that is being completed slowly in March because life happened. Love the freedom to do MORE softly, gently and with delight.
Click here to read the rest of the #Write28Days series.
Over the years, Karen Sebastian-Wirth has lovingly cared for her mother-in-love, mother, father and husband. She certainly has learned the lessons of hope in what can become a treacherous ride over some rough waters. You will enjoy her candid approach to self nurture and the practical ways to take care of yourself. Her new book The Power of Hope for Caregivers: Honor the Ride is now available on Amazon.
Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love, check out her Facebook page – The Power of Hope.

Karen, such simple but great ideas! It’s so fun to make memories with those little ones in our lives. Blessings to you!
I am so excited to hear of your awesome mems with those little ones in you life. You are so creative – I bet they love hanging out at your house.
Thanks for your consistent encouragement.
What fun memories, and memory makers! Thanks for sharing these Karen!
Memories are totally amazing! They reshape us and pop up when we most need them.
Thanks for stopping by.
These are such great ideas to find d elight in your life! I loved reading about your memory of homemade ice cream. FMF #36
It is a fun one for sure! It’s hard to imagine us as kids and my brother using an ice pick! Yikes! Yet, we survived to tell about it.
Thanks for stopping by.
“Softly, gently, and with delight”… such a beautiful way to capture the sentiment. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks so much for stopping by.
You made my day!
Loved this. I enjoy bubbles too. Kids show so much delight. “And a little child shall lead them.”
I know, right? That’s why I love hanging out with them!
Go get some bubbles, sweet friend. You deserve the break!
two faves when the grands were little: bubbles and homemade ice cream. YES LORD. Thanks for the great memories.
Just don’t mix them, right? LOL!
Love the mems too! Now I have a second batch so I am busy again in the best of ways.