Be thankful. Colossians 3:15
Thankfulness Matters
Continue to be polite. Thank you can go a long way. What goes further, however, is to connect with appropriate eye contact and a tone a voice that shows you really mean it.
Active Expressions of Love and Honor:
- Keep teaching your kids to say thank you and coach them to sound like they mean it.
- Send thank you cards to those who might not expect it. They can have a deep impact.
Gratitude Runs Deeper
Notice that this scripture says BE thankful. You become what you think. As you When you feel gratitude in your heart you begin to understand how much you appreciate the other person. At that point words seem like they are not adequate to say how you feel and gratitude is felt from your heart. Deepen relationships by showing true gratitude.
One of our family traditions is to tell the one who is celebrating a birthday what we honor about them. We show respect and what we value about that person. In the beginning, the kids mainly said they were thankful for what others did for them.
Gratitude is taking a time to reflect and write down the innate qualities that make them unique and precious. This level of gratitude for who the person is, transforms a hardwired response into an intentional discipline and the profound expression of the impact that person has had in your life.Click To TweetNow that is how to express true gratitude.
Active Expressions of Love and Honor:
- Mental shift – When tempted to complain, replace it with thanks for what others do for you behind the scenes.
- Count blessings – I am grateful every day that I can breathe and I can swallow. I saw another sunrise and God has provided abundantly for my needs and the needs of my family. Shift your focus from the negative to the positive.
- Write honor notes – Take the time to write a note to someone who would not expect it. Honor them for the impact they have had on your life.

“Thank you can go a long way.” I wonder how many times in my life I’ve said or heard that. And it remains true! I’ll be more attentive today to people I can thank. Thank you, Karen! 🙂
Thanks for that, Lisa. Your thoughtful comments mean more to me than you can know.
I do say thank you quite a lot!! But I will definitely take to heart your words and truly try to BE thankful!! Thank You for sharing today’s post! Still behind myself; just published Day 5 and working on Day 6…as long as I am writing, or should I say pouring my heart out?!
So proud of you. Will visit and comment on yours too. Love you! xoxox
Giving thanks always has a positive impact on my day. I like the way you celebrated birthdays. When my children were young I use to write the qualities I appreciated about them in Valentines’s Day cards. Now I can do that for my grandchildren.
I do love this. We will celebrate birthdays this Sunday and I put out cards for people to sign. It think that I will make them Valentine cards this time. I know your children and now your grandchildren will cherish this.
Thank you for sharing. And saying thank you can go along way.
Yes, it can. Thanks for stopping by.