Valentine’s Day celebrates romance and human relationships – especially between couples. It is a wonderful day for those who remember and can celebrate it with flowers, chocolates, a card, dinner, etc. with the one they love. It usually involves spending money to show your love.

For many, however, it’s a reminder of all that you do not have because there is not that special person who will do all of these things for you. You may be sad that you do not have that ‘perfect’ life you’ve always dreamed of. You may be resentful of others who don’t take advantage and cherish what they have until it’s too late.

It hit me this weekend that this is where I find myself. I deeply miss my husband (who died 2.5 years ago) and the flowers that he got me every year. I have a choice to make:

  • Sit at home and feel sorry for myself and become the president of the Poor Me, Pitiful Club (Membership of 3 – Me, Myself and I)
  • Share my love extravagantly with everyone I know (with no strings attached). I think I will start the Extravagant Love Expressions Club instead. E<3E

Nothing is required except a loving heart and a desire to bless someone with one of these free expressions of love:

  • Hugging
  • Telling that person what they mean to you
  • Writing on post-it notes words that describe and honor them
  • Writing on a white board what that person means to you
  • Smiling and making eye contact
  • Extending small courtesies – please and thank you to the invisible people
  • Making a slideshow with pictures of those you love
  • Baking favorite dish or cookies
  • Making a telephone call
  • Making time to listen with no interruptions
  • Pay it forward by buying someone’s coffee/lunch/water who is standing in the line behind you
  • Give up your place in line

Let me know what happens as you shower those around you with extravagant expressions of your love for them without expecting anything in return. The miracle of that principle is that the rewards will be amazing because love multiplies as we give it away to others.

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love, click here.

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31 Adjectives to Show Honor to Someone Special

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