Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. Romans 15:13 TPT
My husband, Rodney, and I went to Costco yesterday. They strategically placed a “flower lady” in the entry on the day before Valentine’s Day. Rodney reached for a beautiful bouquet of red and white roses as. I began talking to the flower lady about our story.
“I love the fact that we both found love again after our loving spouses moved to Heaven,” I told her. “Two years ago, on Valentine’s Day, we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant to celebrate the day. When our meal was finished, Rodney went to get a little takeout box to take the yummy leftovers home. When I opened it, out fell a beautiful engagement ring. He got down on one knee and proposed.
Our son and his family were there to capture all of this on video. We cherish the little voice in the background saying – A RING! A RING!”
“Obviously you said, “YES!” she replied.
“Oh, I sure did. And as we left the restaurant our 4 year old granddaughter insisted that her Mom go get her a take-out box and was bitterly disappointed when it was empty.”
I introduced her to our granddaughter who was spending the day with us. Our day was filled with hope and love. I pray that your day is as well. Here are some suggestions:
God’s love inspires us
We take our cues from our loving Heavenly Father who gave what was most precious – His Son. Look around you to see who may need a little extra love. It may be that little one that is underfoot and whining. It may be the stranger who needs a genuine smile. It may be a friend who has been curt to you due to their own issues.
Active Expressions of Love and Honor:
- Give anonymous gifts in the “pay it forward” way.
- Pay for someone’s coffee in the drive-up line
- Leave an exorbitant tip
- Take flowers to a neighbor who is alone
- Mow a widow’s yard
- Release all expectations and give with a heart like the Father’s heart
True love is initiated with faith
Many are depressed on Valentine’s Day because of the rejection they have experienced. There are those who have isolated and insulated their heart against future hurt. This decision is expensive in every way because they feel alone and disappointed. Hope is a fountain that can overflow in your life even if you have been hurt.
Flip on the 'HOPE switch' and take advantage of what has caused you to pain by reaching out to someone who feels alone. Faith allows you to reach out with no expectations of a return and releases a new level of hope.Click To TweetActive Expressions of Love and Honor:
- Tell your love story to all who will listen
- Say “thank you” to all who serve you
- Honor the hidden servants in your life
Hope must originate from the inside
Hope is the confident expectation of an amazing outcome even from the worst day of your life. It does not mean that you trivialize what just happened. The day we faced the death of our spouses does stand out. We continue to honor the lives they lived for the Lord and the heroic hope they demonstrated until their last breath.
Active Expressions of Love and Honor:
- Spend time reflecting on your blessings
- Make each day a new start by taking a picture of the sunrise
- Express your confident expectation of a positive outcome
- List your reasons why the future is bright
Hope says, “This is a new season and it will be good.”
In the comments below, tell us about you faith, hope or love commitment. A brief expression of your love story would be amazing as well.

Lovely words Karen
Thanks so much for stopping by Gabriele.
I love your practical tips, Karen! And your story is so sweet. Pedro proposed with 80 bales of hay ;).
Would love to hear that story? Have you blogged it yet? If so, please send the link.
What a beautiful story!
God has been so faithful to me.
Blessed and so grateful.
Thanks for stopping by.