God is energizing you so that you will desire and do what always pleases Him. Philippians 4:13 VOICE

There is no exhaustion quite like it. I thought I was tired when I my kids were babies. This was different. This was a bone deep, depleted feeling that overcame my entire body. It was partly because of lack of sleep but I’ve been sleep-deprived before. i was wearing many hats as a wife, mother, minister, employee and caregiver. I didn’t ever really sign up to be a caregiver – it just happened. Gradually, over time, as I kept taking the path of least resistance. I took on more and more and no one seemed to notice. There were times when I hit the wall during each of the three different seasons as a caregiver – for my mother-in-love, my mom and my husband. I call it ‘Caregiver Fog.” Here are some Hope Tools to help you shift gears and regain your clarity and focus.

Hope Tools

Stick to your routines

It can seem impossible to do the familiar when everything has changed. It’s vital that you do what you always do every day before you start the race against time. Routines calm you and bring normalcy to what is a crazy time. Make the time to sit down to eat a meal together. Share fun times and laugh together.

Take a deep breath

One of the main reasons for burn out is the feeling that you have more to do than you can accomplish. It seems like you will never catch up. All the pieces of your life seem to be breaking one by one. When a crisis comes you go into that mode and function through it. When you are anxious your breathing becomes shallow and you stop getting the life-flowing oxygen your body needs during this crisis. If it seems like you are running too fast to catch your breath then it’s time to stop and take a deep one. Set your timer for ten minutes and deep breathing. Take a deep breath from your diaphragm; hold it to ten seconds; release it slowly. Continue to do this until your alarm goes off. Let your mind float freely to whatever thoughts are there. Do not stop to analyze them. The benefits of doing this are that your heart rate will slow own, the crazy thoughts in your brain will become calmer and you will begin to feel peace. Once you are finished, take the anxious thoughts to the Lord and let Him carry them for you.

Serve from your heart

Resentment steals your joy. Bitterness stops the flow of energy. If you are feeling overburdened and that others are taking advantage of your kindness, speak up. Don’t stuff the feelings. Have a family meetings where you express what needs to be done for the loved ones(s) who need to be cared for. It will ease the tension and allow others to have the great blessings that can be their’s when they come alongside the tangibly show their love. Don’t let anything disturb peace. Do not assume that they don’t want to help. They probably feel as overwhelmed as you did in the beginning. Break down the tasks into manageable pieces that allow them to each take part. As you share in the burden and joy of caring for someone so that there are no regrets in the future.


Dear Lord, thank You for working in my life when I am in a hard place. I am in one right now and ask that You would give me the desire to keep going and doing all that I do. I want to stop pleasing people and start focusing on pleasing You. I am grateful that you not only give me the ability to be obedient but the desire as well. I receive renewed strength and energy as I focus on You. In Jesus’s name. Amen.



Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. 

You may order Karen’s latest book, The Power of Hope in Mourning here.


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