So get yourselves ready, prepare your minds to act, control yourselves, and look forward in hope. 1 Peter 1:13 Voice

Hope wins when we anticipate the victory of a positive result even as we are prepared for what lies ahead.
There were times during my husband’s illness that I felt sorry for myself. His official diagnosis of Muscular Dystrophy in 2000 led to many lifestyle changes as he retired early and we waited for his disability to kick in. I needed genuine hope based on God’s truth and not my circumstances. There were days when I was just so tired that I felt like I couldn’t go on. How do you express these feeling without guilt and condemnation.Sadness swirled around me like a heavy cloak as I felt like certainly things couldn’t get any worse – and then they did. Genuine hope acknowledges that what you’re going through is difficult yet not impossible. Genuine hope is not looking for the escape route. Instead, you are waiting for the positive to come in midst of it all according to God’s plan.


This book is written by Peter to the Christians living in different parts of Asia Minor were suffering persecution because of their faithful obedience to Jesus. Most of them were Gentiles before coming to Christ and had lived a hard life.It was likely written toward the end of his life before he gave his own life as a martyr for the cause of Christ. This book offers hope to those who are suffering for their faith.

Get Ready

The term used in this passage in the original Greek was to ‘gird up the loins of your minds.’ Most men and women wore tunics. The common clothing of the time was a tunic. In order to be ready to move, fight or work they would have to bind the long flowing garments close around their bodies with a leather belt. In effect, they would create a pair of shorts that allowed them to move freely. A common expression we might use today would be to ‘roll up your sleeves’ when getting ready to do the hard word needed to accomplish a task. It could be either a strenuous physical job or a hard mental task. They are advised to get rid of the things that would hinder their progress and cause them to stumble. Hope happens when you are ready to do the hard work especially when it comes to your thoughts regarding temptations and the difficult places in your life. Free up your mental process by removing all lies of unworthiness and defeat. As you prepare to be a Hope Ambassador you need to be ready to face situations where you will have every bit of hope your need and the faith to receive the miracles of provision.

Prepare Your Minds

When facing a difficult situation you might be tempted to use false optimism to make it through tough times. It is possible to shut down your emotions and your thought process just to make it through the day. The people reading Peter’s letter were facing harsh persecution. In that day, being a Christian meant much more than getting a negative post on Social Media or being unfriended on FaceBook. They faced actual physical persecution and in light of this Peter challenges them to remain faithful to Jesus who also suffered for their sake.
So much of your battle is in your mind, especially when coming under fire for what you believe. Ephesians 6:14 sounds very similar because it says, “Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth.” There we have it again from Paul who is saying put on the all the armor of God. We could put these two thoughts together and have a Peter-Paul statement that said, “Stand therefore in hope, by having girded your loins with truth.” Let truth replace the lies you are thinking by asking for God’s perspective. The only way to receive this truth is through full hope in God’s grace. Perhaps Peter was remembering the time he walked on water. He asked the Lord to invite him to get out of the boat (comfort zone). Jesus did what Peter asked him to do. I could imagine Peter either taking off his tunic or at least, using his belt to tighten the robe around him like shorts. He steps out on water and must set aside all the fear of what he knows will happen to him. Prepare your minds by keeping your eyes on the goal of reaching Jesus rather than the waves and the craziness of what you are doing.

Control Yourselves

The original Greek word here is to be sober which means to stay calm and collected under pressure. Stay alert and ready to leap into action rather than numbed by intoxicating influences. In order to fully obey the command to hope fully in God’s grace, you much avoid whatever will numb your heart and mind to the value of God’s amazing work in your life. There are many things that distort our reality and protect us from the what is really going on. You can spot ‘numbing agents’ in your life by checking to see what you do when the bottom drops out. It can be something seemingly harmless such as eating, watching television or reading. The point is that if you are avoiding the true situation you need to stop and take stock of what is going on. There is always hope when you face situations head-on.

Look Forward in Hope

The final instruction in this verse is a command to hope completely in the grace of the Lord. Look forward to hope. Keep your focus on hope and not the circumstances. The first command in this letter is a command to hope. Hope is not an action of the body. It is an experience of the soul. “Focus your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Jesus brings grace to His people. Grace is present. Hope in it. Hope in it fully! Hope fully in God’s grace. Genuine hope is founded in grace.
In our situation, we experienced grace as we needed it. The hope prevailed as, in each crisis, we had the grace we needed at that moment. Sometimes when you project what you will need in the future you don’t feel like you will make it. That’s what I had felt. My hope grew as I grew in grace.


Thank You, Lord, that I can look forward with great anticipation to all you have prepared for mes. I set aside all the distractions that would hinder me from moving forward by gaining Your perspective and leaving behind all the lies that have held me back. I accept Your genuine hope based on Your grace. I look forward to my HOPE assignments with joy and anticipation. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. 


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