Bill Sebastian Day is in honor of my hubby who has moved to Heaven. Please join us today! 

Honor his legacy by eating a taco (with lots of hot sauce) and paying for someone’s meal (or coffee and donuts). Listen carefully and give of yourself.
Bill moved to Heaven in September of 2012. The first year after someone dies the firsts are difficult. As I wept bitterly in the shower that morning of the first birthday without his physical presence I had the brain storm to ask friends to celebrate and honor what he did. I chose to ‘reframe’ the day by making it a celebration that honored his legacy. Here are some of the results of that quest:

1. Eat tacos

His last meal was tacos and he loved hot sauce. (His FSHD – and adult-set form of Muscular Dystrophy – affected his swallowing capability so we fed him the last 2.5 years via a tube in his stomach.) So eat tacos today and celebrate the blessing of swallowing. 

2. Pay it forward

Bill loved to bless others by paying for their meal, coffee, or shopping. His generosity was sacrificial. God has honored us over the years because of it. 

3. Tip extravagantly

Your servers make very little. Bless them today with a generous tip. Tell them that you are honoring a dear friend and appreciate all they do for you.

4. Reach out to others

Call as many people as you can to tell them you love them. Text those who need encouragement. Post a message on Facebook to let them know you are praying for them. Reach out and take the first step. You will never know how much that means to someone who is going through a hard time.

5. Express your love

One of the last conversations with one of our daughters started a new phrase to frame our love. You have probably heard the saying, “Love you to the moon and back.” What Bill wrote on his whiteboard that day was, “Love you to Pluto and back.”
“But Dad,” she replied, “Pluto isn’t even a planet any more.”
“I know. But it’s the furthest away,” was his reply.
So today I want you to know, “I love you Pluto and back.”

6. Share your loving actions today

Post a picture of your taco feast. Leave a comment on this post. Also, I’ve set up a Facebook page for you to post your actions today:


Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. 

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