Wait for and hope for and expect the Lord to come through; be strong, courageous and resolute; be determined and don’t give up; and let your inner man be alert and solid. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord to be faithful. Psalm 27:14 (HopeGram version)

Get Your Hopes Up

Hope is in short supply these days especially for caregivers. Today most people use the word ‘hope‘ with a certain air of ‘hopelessness.’ For example when asked, “Do you think everything will turn out okay?” We may answer, “I hope so.” It might even be expressed with a shrug and a look of doubt in our eyes. It reveals a certain sense of helplessness or lack of control over an expected outcome. We seem like kids who have been told, “Don’t get your hopes up!” We don’t want to get too excited because we don’t want to be disappointed.

Are you waiting for something important to happen? As a caregiver it feels like we are always waiting for the “other shoe to drop.” Is everything falling apart around you as you wait? Are your weary of waiting? Then this hope tool is for you.

Hope Tool

Expect good 

The Hebrew word ‘kava’ that is used in this Psalm for wait means to bind together as in crafting a rope. It means to gain strength as you are expecting a good result from the Lord. You are not just waiting  — you are waiting on the Lord. Therein is the difference. Your waiting can be filled with hope and the expectation of a good outcome. In fact, as you rest, you will become stronger and will see the hand of the Lord in every circumstance.

As a ray of hope shines into the areas where you are waiting. You will find that you have more energy. You will find purpose in small things that in the past bothered you. A sense of expectancy can replace the dread that engulfs.  This change can happen even before your circumstances change because your are focused on the Lord. Before long you will be soaring and you will see a different panorama. You can run and enjoy all that you do without tiring easily. You can live in such a way that you wake up ready to get going, accomplish what you need to do, and still have energy to help others.


Dear Lord, thank You for Your perspective that makes all the difference when I face long waits and trying circumstances. Grant me the wisdom to look up for future possibilities rather than be closed in by what I currently see.  Thank You for courage and strength so that I don’t ever give up no matter what is going on around me. I know Your will is accomplished through it all because You are faithful. I am grateful for renewed energy so I can wake up ready to get going in order to accomplish what You have called me to do. I am grateful that I can hope and expect Your will to be accomplished even as I wait. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

What are you waiting for, hoping for and expecting?


Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love, sign up to receive Karen’s emails.

You may order Karen’s latest book, The Power of Hope in Mourning here.

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31 Adjectives to Show Honor to Someone Special

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