Through this man [Jesus] we all receive gifts of GRACE beyond imagination. John 1:16 VOICE
Our guest blogger today is John Dubose.

Grace is more than mercy!

John 1:16 talks about the fullness of God and the grace of God. 

As I was thinking on this verse Holy Spirit gave me three words about grace. 
  • One: grace is our strength
  • Two: grace is our shelter
  • Three: grace is our supremacy in the battle!! 
Supremacy = the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status. When you go into the battle with the devil you are superior in every way!! 
You have the fullness of God plus grace on your side with gives you supremacy!!
You cannot lose!! You are more that a conqueror!! The only way that we lose is to let the enemy win. Wow!! 
The last part of the verse lets us know that the grace of God never runs out. 
Grace upon grace = strength upon strength, shelter upon shelter, and most importantly supremacy upon supremacy!! 
Every battle, every struggle, every sickness brings more strength, more shelter and more supremacy. You cannot lose!!



Missionary/Pastor, teacher, international speaker, and Doctor of Theology, John Du Bose loves working with pastors and leaders in order to share the beauty and freedom of God’s Kingdom and Grace. John consistently shares the message of Grace by preaching the Word and ministering to churches, schools and ministries throughout Honduras and Central America. John’s greatest desire is that all of us come to know and understand the depth and simplicity of God’s Amazing Grace.

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