Make the most of every living and breathing moment because these are evil times.  Ephesians 5:16 The Passion Translation

This blog is part of the Five Minute Friday community. Please join us as we write for 5 minutes on a word provided. Don’t overthink it. Simply take it and run.


Those of us who have experienced the death of someone we love know the value of time. My Dad recently moved to Heaven and I was able to go visit him several times in the last months of his earthly journey. One memory stands out. I went to say goodbye to him. I woke him up to let him know I was leaving for the airport. I started crying as I hugged him for the last time. He smiled and said, “Don’t worry pumpkin, I’ll see you soon.”

Time is such a paradox. While most of us complain that we don't have enough time we live like it is an unlimited resource.Click To Tweet

The King James Version tells us: “Redeem the time for the days are evil.” Redeem means to buy back or to pay a ransom.

The word used for time here is kairos and not cronos. That’s important because kairos means opportunity or options. Cronos means the segment of time that is passing.

For example, I have five minutes to write this post. For that reason, I am focused and prepared when I start. My goal is to write succinctly and not let my mind wander. Instead, I am bringing my thoughts together in a cohesive way so I do not miss the opportunity to share what is in my heart.

My last visit with Dad was spent sitting next to his bed and talking to him about memories and secrets to living a long life. We prayed together. I told him how much I loved him. The time together was sweet and precious.

I challenge you today to focus on what only you can do. Move forward with purpose and seize the opportunities that come in five minute capsules. God has given you life. Use your time wisely doing what only you can do.

Lord, I ask for your wisdom in knowing where to put my focus. When I have that decided, I thank You for guiding me. I choose to put my thoughts around the good that is happening in this world and not the evil. It is amazing that you care about every minute and allow me to have peace in the middle of chaos. I will continue to look for opportunities in every day to do what only I can do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Please join a vibrant community who blogs for five minutes on one word every Friday by clicking here.

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. As a caregiver and widow she took brave steps forward to fulfill God’s calling on her life. She has now remarried and enjoys her new hubby and spending time with their children and grandchildren. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love, check out her Facebook page – The Power of Hope.

FIVE - Five Minute Friday
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