This photo shows Mom on the left and Dad on the right as they studied at L.I.F.E Bible College. The photo in the middle is taken the day after their wedding at Angelus Temple officiated by Sister McPherson.

Longevity Secrets from the Life of Bill Pritchett

God’s marvelous grace enables us to minister to everyone with pure motives, not in the clever wisdom of the world. This is especially true in all of our dealings with you. 2 Corinthians 1:12 TPT

Bill and Betty Pritchett both had amazing spiritual encounters as they came to know Jesus as their personal Savior. Dad was a strong person who lived a wholesome life having made a confession of faith at age 12. He started attending the Lubbock Foursquare Church at age 19 and resisted going forward to make a decision to accept Christ because he thought he was already saved. Here’s his testimony in his own words:

“One Sunday night when Pop Dawson was preaching I felt so convicted of my sins that I ran to the altar and cried in repentance. When I got up there were still many of the “prayer warriors” there praying around the altar. I went up to Sister Smith and expressed how I was sure she was surprised that I had gone forward. Her response was that she had been praying that would happen,” he would tell with a chuckle.

Shortly after that salvation experience, Dad felt the call to go to Los Angeles, California to study at L.I.F.E. Bible College. That was quite a trip for a country boy who had never been out of Texas. He openly shared how insecure he felt and how these areas became an  opportunity to receive strength from the Lord.

This level of transparency never wavered throughout more than 76 years of active ministry. He loved to share his weak moments during his sermons and how the Lord came through for him and he got the victory. Another fun expression from the time of revival during his early ministry stayed with him and it was, “I need to get under the spout where the glory comes out.” He never forgot the true source of his life.

During his first pastorate at West Hollywood, California he told stories of how nervous he was to preach to a church full of Bible School students and graduates. That is why he started preaching on Perplexing Passages. This resulted in topics that often seemed to go over people’s heads and yet planted deep spiritual truths in their lives that over time allowed them to begin to understand. He loved to get the revelation of Jesus in every sermon and to guide the listeners to the opportunity to do the same. Most of all, he loved to connect and stay connected.

He remained the same throughout his entire life. He served humbly in whatever opportunity came along and reached out in love and grace.  One of his favorite sayings was:

'I know a lot of people who think I am very special. I just happened to be there when God did something very special in their lives.' Bill PritchettClick To Tweet

Longevity Secret #22:

Spend your energy on totally being yourself. Trust the Lord to make up the difference in areas where you need His help.

This post is part of the Write 31 Days 2019 challenge. Click here to find more longevity secrets.

31 Ways to Live 101 Wonderful Years

Author, speaker, corporate trainer, ordained minister and Hope Catalyst, Karen Sebastian enjoys sharing her rich life experiences with others – engaging them in adventurous discoveries of the beauty of hope in a dark, cloudy world. Her books will inspire you to embrace hope no matter what you are going through. As a caregiver and widow she took brave steps forward to fulfill God’s calling on her life. She has now remarried and enjoys her new hubby and spending time with their children and grandchildren. To increase hope and improve relationships with yourself and those that you love, check out her Facebook page – The Power of Hope.

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